Become a Guild Member
Welcome to the Venturers Society, your place to find out more about Airth – its denizens, history and magic! You can choose to join the guild at different levels. We offer the following:
Features | Apprentice (Free Membership) |
Venturer (Paid Membership) |
Game Master (Paid Membership) |
Character Online Storage | 1 | 10 | 25 |
Downloadable Content: Monsters, Player Information, More | Limited | Expanded | Full |
Advanced Downloadable Content: Campaigns, Background Info and more | No | Limited | Full |
Member Contests | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Special Discounts on Products | Yes | Yes | Yes |
GM Training and Certification | No | No | Yes |
Scenarios | No | No | Yes |
Open Advanced Features in Mobile Apps | Limited | Expanded | Full |
Register Below FREE |
$29.99/year | $49.99/year |
Register Today!
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