The Rochdal Raiders – Mid-Level FRPG Scenario
The Rochdal Raiders is a mid-level FRPG scenario for the Venturers of Airth Gaming System by RJ Borton and the Scenario Development consisting of Dominic, Josh and Faith.
The entire world felt the passing of the evil Doyen, LeZarick, in many different ways.
Magic was slightly changed, but, not so much as too cause a noticeable problem to the mundanes. Wizards were still wizards. Healers still wielded the Golden Force. Life continued with a bright, unpredictable, and free future.
Creatures forcibly bred by LeZarick to serve his plans for world domination now roamed free and uncontrolled. Packs of large semi-intelligent wolves and ‘modified’ simians (commonly known as Ugs), flocks of vicious black birds the size of eagles, and many other creatures not native to the Old Airth plagued the innocent.
Once peaceful and recluse gray and brown drakes were instilled with a taste for human flesh and magically, mentally, altered. Red dragons breathed fire and Purple dragons breathed violet balls of energy as they swooped down on towns and herds. Dragons are now very rare, extremely dangerous and almost unknown in many parts of Airth.
Not all of LeZarik’s legions disbanded. Many continued to revel in the evil they had been driven to practice. These groups viciously attacked and pillaged wherever they wandered.
YOU, a mere youth, recently a conscripted soldier from one of LeZarick’s legions, where you were hastily, minimally trained and equipped and compelled to ‘serve’ in HIS vile designs; are now free. Thankfully, the legions are now disbanded. You are finally heading for home. Ashamed and deeply troubled by what you had been forced to see and do, you have stopped for the night at an old Traveler’s Rest where you meet several other young venturers of similar fate. None of you can bear to talk about what you have been through and all are looking forward to, and hoping, for a chance at a different, more peaceful life.
All was peaceful and quiet, almost serene, until ….
The entire Scenario is ONLY AVAILABLE to GAME MASTERS
(c) Venturers of Airth® Publications, 2018 “All Rights Reserved”