Tale of Jamison & Maslinda
In this new Tale of Airth, discover how the stalwart human, Jamison, and the beautiful and deadly halfling, Maslinda, confront LeZarick’s former general, the evil Grhfalah, in a dangerous mission to save a town.
1. The Meeting
The halfling home’s ceiling was much lower than Jamison was comfortable with. He was very much on the short size for humans, almost 5 feet tall – but not quite, and it was still too tight. He could stand in their main room, but he could not stretch his arms without hitting the ceiling. There was too much bright sunlight from far too many windows for his taste. The natural earthen floor, ceiling and walls felt ‘strange”. Jamison was not at all comfortable! He could not sit still and he was very anxious. He had been brought here by Mavia to meet her daughter, Maslinda. Obviously, she was yet another mother trying to pawn her daughter off on him. He had no idea how this halfling mother would handle the species difference. No matter, he had saved Mavia’s life and this was her strange way of thanking him. Besides, she had a favor to ask of him that she would not discuss until he met Maslinda. So, here he sat, disheveled and a little rank from spending the last several days on the road with Mavia. He was in no mood to meet anyone, much less some homely halfling, whose mother was desperate for her to find a mate – even across species.
The light, very soft, perfectly even footsteps were his first indication that someone was approaching. When he politely turned to greet her, her beautiful long hair immediately caught his eye. Deep, dark brown with just a touch of red; like the last, lingering ray of evening sunlight, it was intricately braided and wrapped around her stunning head. The many tiny, dark purple, night flowers woven into the braids fit so naturally they could have grown there. As he continued to turn, his bright blue eyes caught and held her deep green, sparkling ones. They looked deep into each other’s hearts and both Jamison and Maslinda froze, neither breathed as they first encountered each other. Unexpectedly, surprisingly, each saw something in the other that took their breath away.
She saw a very handsome young man, with gorgeous light honey colored skin and glowing blond hair, who had bravely rescued her mother from a fate as dire as death. He shone with the bright, beautiful, setting sun reflecting on his handsome visage.
He saw a vision of beauty like none other. Taller than either of her parents, and most other halflings, she stood a full 4 feet 2 inches tall. Her soft furry moccasin like boots, with heals just high enough to shift her balance perfectly onto the balls of her delicate feet, supported the most perfect, long, strong and shapely legs he had ever seen. Her arms and shoulders showed strength, with the perfect balance of beauty and muscle. Her tight, form fitting single piece garment, what very little there was of it, accented and did nothing to hide her absolutely perfect body; in ways a young man could only dream of. Her soft, smooth, flawless skin was the color of the richest earth immediately after a light rain. Earth brown, but light enough to highlight her perfect facial features and glistening lips. She was the beauty of the night in humanoid form.
Then, there was her smile. It started as a scowl when she entered, then lightened into a sensuous smile that grew until it totally swallowed his consciousness. He was hopelessly lost in it, possibly, willingly, forever.
“Ahem!…” interjected Glitch, Maslinda’s father, while his mate, Mavia, quietly giggling beside him.
Quickly, embarrassed, both young ones snapped out of their reveries and properly greeted each other with a lingering, delicate handshake.
“I trust that the two of you can work together, without ANY problems?”, Queried Glitch.
“Yes”. “Of course.” They quickly, simultaneously, replied.
“Mavia, you explain to these two why they have been brought together and get them on their way. I’ll work on rounding up the volunteers. We have to be ready when Maslinda gives the signal”. With those words, Glitch quickly left the two star-struck youth with his highly intelligent, and manipulative wife, Mavia.
2. Getting Ready
“Jamison, my daughter requires a partner for a dangerous rescue mission. What you did to rescue me proved that you have the smarts, the skills, and, I suspect, the resources to work with and augment her. The only question is – Will you? We cannot afford to pay very much in gold, however, I believe that each of you can train the other in your personal ‘specialties’, which is much more valuable. Jamison, will you help us by working with my daughter, Maslinda?” “Will you help us to free our kin and friends from slavery in Grhfalah’s mine?
Jamison after looking, yet again, starry eyed at Maslinda, quickly nodded his head – unable to speak.
Mavia, watching him, quietly moaned then set herself straight into her task. She sat the two youth on the floor in front of her and described, in frightening detail, the situation in the neighboring, halfling settlement of “Barrow By The Sea”. Chokingly, she described the enslavement of her friends and relatives and the torturous work they were forced to perform deep underground in the freshly dug dwarven iron and copper mine. The guard patrols” schedules and patrol routes were going to be very difficult to circumvent. There were always several women and children held captive underground to secure the cooperation of the those above and those toiling far below. The situation was going to be a real challenge both mentally and physically. The outcome of any direct attack would, obviously, be fatally bleak for the hostages.
The village, at best, could only provide about 20 volunteer men at arms armed with slings and a few short swords. Far too small and inexperienced a band to accomplish the rescue.
A secret, public collection had been made a few days ago, and as many of the halfling villagers that were able, had donated their savings for an unspecified task – defined as Unimaginably Important and SECRET. The promise of eventual repayment along with a fantastic fireside story was enough for now. Mavia, trembling, handed the small sack of coin to Jamison. “Take these coins and use them as you see fit. I do not want to know what, where or anything about you two or your plans. Look for our volunteers when you are ready. We will await your signal. Trust no one from either village. Most likely there is at least one spy among us, perhaps forcibly, but a spy none the less.” Mavia reached forward and grabbed Jamison’s right arm just above the elbow and squeezed it firmly, as she wiped her eyes with her other hand. Jamison froze, had she seen the mark? Did she understand it? How much did she really know about him?
“Go children, now, before my tears start and I hold you here.”
“Jamison, bring my daughter back, safe and unharmed and I will owe you anything that I can provide.”
Jamison and Maslinda quickly took their leave of Mavia and left the village on the road leading away from “Barrow Of The Heather” toward the Mere De Sive. A few hours of very awkward silence brought the youths to the first fork in the dirt path. The sun was high and they were, as is natural for youth, very hungry.
Sitting on convenient rocks along the edge of the path, sort of facing each other and sort of not, they, simultaneously, tried to break the tense silence.
“I want to…” started Maslinda.
“Your mother, …” spoke Jamison.
“You first, lovely lady, this is your mother’s idea”.
Maslinda looked Jamison in the eyes, then, lightning fast and full of built up tension, she rapidly unloaded her many questions on him as only a highly agitated young female could. As a female halfling her voice escalated high into the shrill tones.
“Who are you – really, who are you? What are you? Why did My mother hand You the coins and not Me? Why did my mother grab your right arm? She never grabs anyone. What is on your arm? Let me see it? What are you hiding?” She exclaimed all in a single breath!
Jamison nearly fell backward as he ceased breathing during her onslaught.
Forcibly calming herself, Maslinda continued, in a soft, well controlled and sweet voice, “Now, it is your turn.”
“Remind me to never upset you. That was impressive” squeaked Jamison.
Softly, almost under her breath, Maslinda murmured, “you don’t know the half of it, yet”
Jamison ignored her remark. After all, she was just a tiny, beautiful young halfling girl and he was the larger, dominate male.
“Really, my name is Jamison. I was born into a hardworking trader family. I have several older brothers and a few older sisters. I’m the youngest and the smallest of the bunch. How much do you want to know?”
“Everything” she cooed. She had his ‘attention’ and she knew how to use it! She cuddled up close to him as he spoke.
“I make a good living assisting honest men in retrieving their lost valuables”
“So, you are a thief. Right?”
“Well, sort of. I mostly prey on the remains of LeZarick’s forces that are still trying to put themselves over everyone else. Like that dwarven fighter who enslaved “Barrows By The Sea” to work his mine. I recognized him as one of LeZarick’s former generals. He was, and is, ruthless and cunning.”
“I rescued your mother through stealth and deception rather than brute force. She was spying on Grhfalah’s perimeter patrol when she was discovered. I provided a diversion and confused the hired fighters enough so that I could cut her free of their bonds and then I hid her during their search. Easy enough.”
“I’m really good at blending in with crowds, or, almost anywhere, and I’m really good at relieving marks of their purses, valuables and the like”. As he finished speaking, he handed Maslinda back her belt purse and her boot dagger AND the hidden dagger from the under her shirt in the center of her back!
“I said I was good” he decried as he stood and took a bow.
Maslinda jumped back! This handsome man’s hands had to have been all over her and she never felt it! Who was playing with whom?!!
Maslinda glared at Jamison with bright crimson flushed cheeks which glowed even on her beautiful dark skin!
“How dare you!” she screeched as she sprang away from him!
Innocently, he stammered back, “I gave it all back, didn’t I? Why are you upset?” Obviously, Jamison did not have very much experience with young ladies and especially not ones he saw as ‘visions of his dreams’!
“Enough, what about your arm?” she asked.
“I’ll show you and explain as soon as we reach my supply stash hidden just North of here, a few hundred yards from the shore line of the Mere De Sive”.
“What about you? Why did your parents assign you to this task? What skills were your mother alluding to?”
“Later. We have to get moving while there is still light”. Dramatically, she gestured with a sweeping motion of her arm for him to take the lead.
Deep in their own personal thoughts, the pair, like night and day, continued north toward the sea.
3. Personal Discovery
As they approached Jamison’s hidden stash, they heard laud, drunken arguing. Two burly humans and one disheveled elf, all heavily armed fighters, were rummaging through Jamison’s two packs of supplies. His simple bird cage was still hanging from the tree and was the center of their drunken clamor.
“Roasted, plain and simple!” roared the larger of the humans.
“Stewed with a pile of vegetables and herbs!” declared the elf.
“Breaded and fried with a handful of potatoes!” exclaimed the remaining fighter.
On and on they went. Arguing and threatening each other with one fist while grasping a wine flagon in the other; laughing the entire time.
It was a wild and funny sight, but very dangerous to interrupt. All three were heavily armed and their weapons appeared well used and ready.
From the shadow of a nearby clump of bushes, Jamison and Maslinda silently observed and waited. The sun was just starting to set when the trio finally decide on Roasting the single bird within the cage.
Jamison started to rise and was stopped by Maslinda touching his arm. “Mine” she whispered. He started to argue and was gently silenced with a single touch of her finger to his lips. “Trust” she confidently whispered.
Maslinda silently arose, leaving her pack and everything behind except for two dull, black sticks with bronze capped ends, which she carefully repositioned in her boots.
With a smile and a gentle stretch, she rose and very loudly approached the drunken fighters. Jamison held a dagger in each hand; ready to dash to her assistance at the first sign that she was in trouble. He watched, terrified for her safety, as she seductively sauntered into their fire light.
“Greetings strangers. Will you share your fire with me?” she asked in her softest, seductive voice.
The three thugs immediately shifted their attention from food to something much more appealing.
“We have a lot more to give you than fire! We’ll warm you through to your core!” declared the largest human as he made to grab her extended arm.
Still smiling, Maslinda simply twisted her wrist and the aggressor only caught empty air. As he started to turn toward her, her back leg shot out between his and he jumped straight up into the air as she gently walked directly into him. He landed, hard, on his back clutching his crotch with his wide mouth open in a silent scream.
Witnessing this, the elf drew and swung the flat of his short sword at her head. Gracefully, as if dancing, she leaned slightly to her side as she bent her knees. Like magic, the twin sticks from her boots appeared in her hands. She crossed them into an X, captured his sword and deflected it safely past her head. While gracefully spinning her beautiful body, she snapped her leg up and out, crashing her heal hard into the back of her assailant’s head as one of her sticks crashed into his throat. He was unconscious before he hit the ground.
The remaining fighter drew two deadly daggers and faced off with her. He was well trained and very experienced. They carefully circled each other like predatory felines. He made his move first and closed on her with both blades seeking different targets. Deflecting each blade with a very fast moving and nearly invisible stick, she stepped into him and swung her leg back, up, over her head and crushed his nose into his face with it! She had hit him with the legendary, and supposedly impossible, scorpion kick. He instantly collapsed to the ground, bleeding and unconscious.
The only conscious fighter, the one still clutching his seriously crushed manhood and writhing on the ground, became the center of her attention. “Who are you? What are you doing here? She demanded while holding a stick in each hand and towering over his cowering form!
“We were responding to Grhfalah’s call for mercenaries to control an unruly mob. He offered good pay with ‘benefits’!” He managed to squeak.
“That ‘Unruly Mob’ is my family and I’m one of the Benefits! Get away from here and never return or you will meet the Rest of My Family! Warn anyone else who thinks to join Grhfalah to stay away – and – take those others with you”, she ordered!
Maslinda then quietly, innocently, turned to the astonished Jamison and silently signed for him to collect all weapons from the fallen.
Frozen in place with his mouth hanging wide open in shock. He looked on his ‘gentle, dream girl’ with a much-clarified awareness!
4. A Call for Help
As soon as Jamison recovered from witnessing Maslinda’s beautiful exhibition of martial arts mastery, he gathered the weapons and rushed to check the bird cage and its contents. Jamison breathed a sigh of relief when he confirmed the caged bird was safe. Maslinda stood back and watched with noticeable curiosity.
“This bird could be the answer to your parent’s problem”, Jamison explained. “I was presented with her as a reward and pledge of future assistance by an ‘interesting’ band of former freedom fighters for assisting them in a task. She is a messenger bird and will quickly return to their meeting room as soon as she is set free. I must inscribe our location on a tiny charm which she will carry with her. Upon receipt, my friends have committed to come to my – our – aid.”
Jamison opened the false bottom of the cage and totally emptied its unusual contents. The several pellets he gave to the bird explaining that they were potent food for her flight. The other objects he spread on a cloth on the ground.
He first took up a small, flat wooden bowl, filled it with clear water and floated a thin needle on a piece of wood in its center. The needle slowly rotated then stopped, pointing across the sea. When he rotated either the needle or the bowl, the needle always settled pointing exactly in the same directions. Jamison made a note of the markings along the rim of the bowl.
He then took a flat disc like instrument with a light weight on the end of a string hanging from its center and held it up, aligning it with the sun – which he had carefully waited to be at its highest point. He held it carefully so that the string was aligned with a thick mark on the disk and he made a note of the markings along the edge of this instrument which pointed to the position of the sun.
Taking up a scribing instrument, he meticulously inscribed both numbers onto a tiny piece of parchment and slipped it into an equally small tube which he very carefully attached to the bird’s leg.
Holding the now well fed and excited bird in his hands, he whispered several words to it and released it into the air. The bird was fast. It circled twice then rapidly took off directly across the sea. Within a few heartbeats it was out of sight.
After all they had been through, Jamison and Maslinda were on an adrenalin high. Both were simultaneously frightened and relieved. Maslinda, had quietly observed everything Jamison did. When he finished, she erupted like a volcano and assailed him with a barrage of questions!
She was in his face. Their noses were just a few inches apart. Her beautiful lips were moving rapidly but he heard nothing. Jamison, thoughtlessly, responded with his heart and not his brain.
He reached down, gently touched both of her cheeks, and kissed her.
Maslinda was startled; then unsure; then she let all her fears and reservations go and melted in his arms; responding, also, from the hidden depths of her heart.
That first kiss lingered, gently, lovingly, for several minutes.
Eventually, their lips and faces separated and they just looked into each other’s eyes. Both realized the kiss should not have happened, yet, both wished it had never ended.
Silently, they moved further apart while still holding each other’s hands.
Gently, they turned from each other and quietly went about cleaning up themselves and readied their equipment for a journey.
Jamison’s final act, prior to departure, was to draw an eye symbol in the dirt using a stick and tiny pebbles. The pupil of the eye resembled a compass rose except that the North point continued to the edge of the eye, pointing in the direction they intended to travel, and the corners of the eye were turned one up and one down, signifying caution. He then concealed and protected the drawing by covering it with a pyramid of small stones and placed a dark coin at its peak.
5. A Plan Evolves
Jamison and Maslinda traveled with determination and very few stops until nightfall, covering several miles. They were both very experienced at covering their trail and each was now instinctively checking and assisting the other in assuring they were not able to be followed. Passing through rolling hills covered in brush, crossing shallow streams and finally stopping just within the edge of a nearby wood, they kept to their private thoughts and spoke very little.
As the sun was setting, they selected a woodland site and setup their camp for the night. They used fresh cut pine boughs to shelter their tiny cooking fire from sight and to disperse its smoke. They established sleeping areas on opposite sides of the fire. Dinner was a simple but hearty stew which each contributed to. They really needed to talk, but, each was afraid to start.
Finally, with the sun long gone and the moon a faint crescent slipping between night clouds, Jamison, laying on his mat, turned to face Maslinda and found her laying on her mat across the few remaining glowing embers, watching him, as if getting ready to speak.
“Maslinda, we need to talk.” He started.
“Yes”, she softly replied, “that kiss …”
“Yes …” he quietly responded.
“We shouldn’t have”, said Jamison.
“But, we did”, said Maslinda.
“It was …”
“I never felt …”
Then they both started giggling which rapidly evolved into quiet childish laughing!
Simultaneously, they each stretched out an arm and held hands. Silently agreeing to savor the wonderful feeling and the beautiful night, they decided to talk the following morning.
As the first rays of the morning sun crossed the horizon and the many birds sang to greet the day, each felt the other stir and they awoke to face the new day.
Jamison stoked the fire back to life while Maslinda procured fresh greens and a little fruit to augment their trail breakfast.
Sitting across from each other, with their bellies full and a cup of java in their hands, they – finally – started to talk and share real information.
After each had agreed to full honesty with no further secrets, Jamison informed Maslinda that the messenger bird would need at least three days to reach her destination. Then he expected his friends to take another two or three days to get ready for their journey with another five days to arrive. They had ten to twelve days to get ready for their arrival.
While carefully observing her reaction, he removed his shirt and showed her the small tattoo on his right forearm arm. It was the same as he drew in the dirt at the battle scene except that the compass rose was evenly balanced with both ends of the eye pointing upward toward his head. Jamison was a Venturer. The tattoo was a recognition symbol as well as a badge of rank.
Maslinda revealed that her mother and father were both former gymnastic entertainers and had begun her training as soon as she was able to walk. As she continued to grow, she developed her speed and coordination. First her grandfather, then her uncle, trained her in the martial arts. A few years ago, she was invited to continue her study under the great master, Willow, where she learned the advanced forms and the scorpion kick. Her greater size and natural ability established her as the undefeated champion in all halfling martial competitions.
Jamison showed her his ‘specialty tools’ – lock picks, very thin pry bars, finger rings with small curved blades designed to cut purse strings, and many more. One narrow wrapped bundle he asked to keep for later
Maslinda showed Jamison her fighting KeeRee sticks, several throwing knives and a set of joined rings which increase the damage from a simple punch.
As the discussion bounced back and forth between them and grew more detailed, Jamison let the name NightStalker slip and Maslinda quickly caught her breath.
“Are you?” she asked.
“Yes” he softly replied.
“Have you ever?”
“Yes – but only when needed and never for pay!” Jamison hastily replied, taping the wrapped bundle.
Maslinda sighed and solemnly accepted his responses.
The level of trust and respect grew between them and each was thankful the other was a friend standing beside them.
“After I had cut your mother free of her bonds, as we were attempting to escape, we were confronted by a large, well-armed human mercenary. He had us cornered up against the side of the large tree and easily could have killed both of us. But, instead, he quickly looked around to insure no one else had seen us, then pointed to a narrow rain gully leading down the slope. Turning away from us, the mercenary then screamed “Halt” and started running in the opposite direction! The search party followed his lead and we were granted the few minutes we needed to escape into the night.”
“Mavia and I carefully reviewed and discussed our escape many times on our way back to your home. We concluded that we may have a friend in the enemy’s camp. We also noticed, strangely, that Grhfalah was the only dwarf and there were no gnomes to be seen”
“I think that we should pick up where Mavia was stopped and thoroughly study Grhfalah’s camp, the detention areas both above and below ground, and see if a possible rescue plan can be worked out.” Jamison said.
“We should also determine when that mercenary is on guard duty and see if he will talk to or betray us.” Replied Maslinda.
“We only have ten days for sure. So, we sleep during the day and scout through the night.”
“In between, I’d like to learn how you used those two sticks to stop a sword”, continued Jamison.
“I’d like to learn how you were able to remove my hidden daggers from around my body without me feeling or even suspecting they were gone”, countered Maslinda.
“Deal!” responded Jamison and Maslinda simultaneously.
Their First Kiss and what could follow was wordlessly set aside as they concentrated on the tasks at hand. Set aside, but, not forgotten.
6. Finding an Ally
The bright morning sun had risen to nearly its mid-day peak by the time Jamison and Maslinda, finally, set out toward “Barrow By The Sea”.
Travelling as closely as possible in the direction Jamison had indicated by the Venturers’ Symbol, the pair moved quickly and silently. They were aware that at any time they could be discovered and captured.
Every hour or so, Jamison erected another pyramid of stones and placed a coin at its peak. These markers would be utilized by his friends as they followed, he hoped, ten days hence.
The natural sounds of the forest confirmed they were most likely alone as they covered the miles.
By nightfall they were more than halfway toward their goal. Dinner consisted of preserved trail bread and smoked dried meat sticks. Continuing on, and covering their feet with soft rabbit fur to both silence their steps and further hide their tracks, they approached within a mile of “Barrow By The Sea” and halted as the first rays of morning sunlight crested the horizon. No cook fire could be lit because of fear of discovery. Hidden within a natural stand of thick brush, Jamison and Maslinda silently passed the many hours of the day sleeping or lost within their own thoughts.
As the sun set, they resumed their journey. Skirting around “Barrow By The Sea” by a half day’s walk, they setup camp on the side opposite from the direction of “Barrow Of The Heather” in a stand of thick brush. If discovered, they did not want any signs pointing back to the Maslinda’s home. By morning, their base camp was setup and carefully hidden from view. Once again, their day was spent in sleep and silent meditation. Tonight, they would start scouting the enemy and, hopefully, secure an ally.
With the sliver of a moon providing just enough light to see, they crawled back up the gully which Jamison had used to flee with Mavia. After a few hours of crawling and hiding, they were in position to observe the guard patrols around the mining camp. The guards still followed the same routes and schedule as Mavia had discovered. After another few hours of waiting and after observing 2 guard changes, Jamison recognized the guard who had assisted his escape.
Dressed totally in black with his face darkened by soot, Jamison approached the guard as he stood, alone, to the side of the entrance, and carefully tossed a dark coin to the ground before him. Startled, with caution, the guard retrieved the coin and examined it. Holding the coin in his right fist, the guard touched his fist to his chest then to his mouth. These actions confirmed to Jamison that the guard was a Venturer and would not betray him and that he wanted to talk.
“Hey Lanie, natural calls. I’ll be back in a few”, the guard called to his partner, then walked into the woods a little further from the entrance. Jamison silently followed and closed the distance between them. Once out of hearing range, Jamison addressed the guard, Mikkel, getting directly to the point.
“I’m back to free the captives, will you help me?” Jamison whispered.
“I take a great risk aiding you, what is in it for me?” the guard whispered back.
“Protection from what is to come, double wages and your freedom to travel wherever you will”.
“What do you need from me?”
“For now, information on the camp, hostages, guards and schedules. After I understand the situation, I’ll let you know what else is needed. I will NOT ask you to turn on your fellow guards. I WILL give you the opportunity to flee with any companions that wish to avoid conflict.”
“We change partners as we rotate. My next position is around to the right, meet me there in an hour”, said the guard, softly, as he returned to his post.
After 3 more clandestine meetings between Jamison and Torrent, the guard, Jamison silently returned to Maslinda. Together, they carefully returned to their camp.
Jamison, addressing Maslinda as “Lin” as ONLY he could; “Lin, Torrent provided us with the guard and prisoner schedules. They are very tight and well thought out. A frontal attack is impossible as it would result in the death of the hostages and many of the workers. We must find a way to free them prior to any open action”
“He also said that Grhfalah’s quarters, just inside the mine entrance, were guarded by a single guard at all times. That must be where he keeps his coin to pay the mercenary guards. I told him to be patiently observant and that we would return in about 8-10 days”
“Maybe, if we could ‘acquire’ his payroll funds, the mercenaries would desert him, reducing the number of defenders we would have to face”, he continued.
“Are you familiar with the area around the mine? Do you have any ideas?”
“Yes”, she replied. “That hilly region is riddled with caves. Many of them open into a large cavern filled with stalagmites and stalactites. The ground in that cavern is treacherous with very thin spots dropping to unknown depths. No sane person dares venture into it”
Jamie, as only ‘Lin’ referred to Jamison, replied, “If we could enter thru that cavern, steal his treasure and leave without a trace, he would have to suspect one of his troops. That suspicion, along with no means of paying for their services, could be the division we need.”
“We need help to find a safe passage thru that cavern,” replied Lin.
(note: gnome 75% detect flaws and/or Wizard casting Elemental Servant of Earth duration 10-30 minutes 600’/minute).
“That will be taken care of when my friends arrive.” Countered James.
“In the meantime, here is your dagger – again. Now, what about those sticks?”
Lin looked shocked for a moment then burst into laughter, He had done it again.
Jamison and Maslinda passed the remaining days of waiting cross training, practicing and sharing skills.
Maslinda quickly learned the subtle arts of the stall, bump and dip. She was a natural at the stall. Her beauty and small figure would attract the attention of any mark. The bump gave her an uneasy feeling as she was not used to forcing contact. The dip was her greatest challenge. She was highly trained for action and the dip was subtle and had to be totally unnoticed with nothing broken or bleeding!
Jamison’s speed and balance were put to the test as he and Maslinda worked the sticks. First, he learned how to hold them; not too tight yet firm. Then, they practiced many drills. The ‘tap’, ‘tap’ of their sticks started slowly and by the end of the 10-day waiting period had accelerated to a barrage sounding like an insane woodpecker.
Through all their cross training they were required to constantly touch and manipulate each other. The use of their pet names became the norm. Touches often ended in hugs, which became longer and more intense. The First Kiss remained only a first and was almost, but not, repeated. Their mutual trust and fondness for each other grew into a bond neither could think of ever breaking,
By the last day of waiting, the first day that Jamison’s friends could possibly arrive, Jamison and Maslinda had grown into a functional team where each could sense the other’s actions without words. Their spirits were high and they had confidence in their ability to accomplish this ‘impossible’ rescue.
On that last morning, Jamison built a small pebble pyramid in the center of their camp and placed a gold coin in its center. Jamison explained to Maslinda that this pyramid with the gold coin signified that his friends should wait nearby and watch for their return; on the chance they missed each other.
Quietly, silently, under cover of darkness, Jamison and Maslinda set out, holding hands, to retrace their route toward the mine. This was their last opportunity to update their surveillance before the final rescue planning with the full team. The Topic of THEM and their future together had been put off until after the rescue – but lingered constantly on their minds.
7. Arrival of the Venturers
Upon returning to their secluded camp, Jamison immediately noticed that the gold coin had been replaced with a copper one. Smiling, he quietly sat down in the center of the camp, and pointed for Maslinda to sit opposite him; each covering the other’s back. Jamison then made a fist of his right hand, touched his fist to his chest then to his mouth, then softly said, “welcome my friends” to the empty night air.
Seemingly from the empty air, eleven darkly clad strangers silently enter their camp. Jamison jumped up and warmly greeted each of his friends and introduced them to Maslinda. Many knowing looks and side glances showed that his friends saw a lot more into their relationship than Maslinda and Jamison were willing to admit.
Their leader was a short, really ugly gnome wizard with an unpronounceable name who went by the nickname Beak. Always close beside him was Trindle, an elf healer and his closest friend. Answering only to Trindle were two male and one female bowmen; Ash, Oak and Berry. The pair of dwarven axes were really a mated pair; Grundler and Gromet. Johan, Stephen, Fanke and Sheila rounded out the party with their long and deadly swords.
With very few pleasantries, they huddled in a tight circle and reviewed their situation in great detail. Nothing was left out.
Several hours later, after many scenarios were examined, a risky plan took form and was agreed upon.
Around midnight, a small party consisting of Beak, Grundler, Gromet and Jamison set out with Maslinda in the lead. She silently led the party to the most likely back entrance into the caverns, then quickly left them and returned to camp. Their task was to enter the mine through the unmapped caverns and hopefully find an inside route to Grhfalah’s quarters. Once inside, Jamison was to relieve Grhfalah of all coin and treasure hidden in his chamber. To be successful all must be accomplished without any sign or indication of an outside incursion.
Upon her return, Maslinda led the remaining venturers to the edge of Grhfalah’s camp where they hid in the shadows, just beyond the sentry patrols. They were positioned to provide combat support in the event the thieves were discovered and needed to make a frontal escape.
Maslinda also had the task of quietly contacting their inside contact, Mikkel, and cautioning him to be alert for the trouble which was about to erupt.
Surprisingly, all went as planned. A difficult but usable route was discovered through the use of Dwarf (Illume, Dig and Reinforce) and Gnome (Illume, Stone See) species magic and a little detection of gold by Beak (Wizard spell Detect Gold). Jamison patiently waited until the single guard briefly stepped outside to relieve himself, then entered, robbed and silently departed Grhfalah’s chamber totally unnoticed. The guard returned to find nothing amiss. Even the secret tiny string he suspended over the locked door was untouched; or so it seemed. As they exited the cavern, the dwarves and their gnome leader arranged several surprises for any unsuspecting followers and set up the tools to be used for the next part of their plan! (Dwarf: reverse Reinforce; Wizard spell Enchant with Verbal Message, Tear Gas and Fireball)
Upon their safe return, the entire party reformed in the camp and prepared to watch and wait.
As expected, Grhfalah did not notice his treasure was missing until later the following afternoon after several guard rotations. When he finally did, his deep throated, guttural scream stopped all activities in the mine camp!
All his most trusted guards, those entrusted with his personal protection, were accounted for and questioned. Their quarters and persons were searched in the tiniest detail. The entire mine was turned upside down as every container was emptied and every nook and crevasse searched. BY the end of the day, everyone knew that his payroll and personal treasure was missing! The venturer guards knew that they were not going to receive any of their promised coin! Mistrust was rampant throughout and rumors were spreading about a ‘mysterious force’ that was soon to overcome the mine camp.
That night, many of the guard patrols failed to return as they were approached and ‘persuaded’ to leave the area. Discovering that Grhfalah was a former general under LeZarick turned the stomachs of the true venturers. Mikkel was one of the first to leave voluntarily. All soldiers that did so were paid a fair wage upon departure and their promise to never return. Those few that refused were taken by force, bound, silenced and escorted to “Barrow Of The Heather” by Maslinda and the bowmen. Once there, they were turned over to the halfling volunteers for confinement until the rescue was complete. As soon as Maslinda contacted the volunteers, the Barrow was sealed, and guards were set at all entrances and exits. All residents were assigned to watch their neighbors to prevent any possible spy from reporting. Any halfling attempting to leave or avoid observation was confined with the thugs. Once the prisoners were transferred, Maslinda spoke with her father and procured – after a LOT of heated discussion – his small keg of Long Hallow Brandy. She, two of the halfling volunteers and the bowmen then quickly rejoined the venturer rescue party for the final assault.
Jamison, Trindel and Beak observed all and planned their next move. After a few hours, while Jamison and Beak continued, Trindel set herself apart from the group and built a small fire inside a tiny black pot. Using this tiny but intense cooking fire, she blended several very rare and expensive herbs, taken from a hidden pocket inside her pack, with pure spring water and cooked them down to exactly 12 ounces. The resultant thick amber colored syrup smelled of earth and grain. She set it in a protected location and allowed it to slowly, gently cool.
When Maslinda returned to camp, she handed the rare and highly treasured brandy to Trindel; a brandy lovingly aged over 50 years and renowned the world over for its rarity, superb flavor and extraordinary potency. Respectfully, Trindel removed the cork, placed her nose close to the opening, and gently waved the escaping fumes toward her. She smiled as she savored the dark amber liquid’s identifying aroma with its hints of rare fruits and exotic flowers,
The keg proudly bore the unique seal of the House of Long Hallow, and having only been taped for Very Special occasions, was nearly full. It was authentic!
At nightfall, under the bright moon, Trindel placed the rare brandy/cognac close at hand and held the pot of cool syrup in her hands. She concentrated on the syrup and watched it glow bright golden yellow, then fade back to normal (Healer Imbue spell with Terrify). Carefully, she poured the four full portions of enchanted syrup into the brandy cask. Then, holding the now full cask in her hands, she concentrated again, and the entire keg glowed bright golden yellow, started to subside, then brightly flared up briefly (Healer Mimic spell), then instantly went dark! She and her magically imbued brandy were ready.
With about a third of the guards now deserted or captured, those remaining were expected to be overworked, overstressed and overtired. With no pay for their services possible, they were should all be considering leaving. The camp was now at its most vulnerable and the venturers rescue / breakout was planned for the following night.
8. The Escape
Grhfalah’s halfling prisoners could feel the change in the guards. The guards had become distracted, almost careless. Their punctual patrols were off schedule. Their gruff pompous attitude was lessened. Grhfalah, himself, was obviously deeply concerned about something. Then, there was the message. Faintly scratched in halfling script on the wall opposite their underground cell, it read, “Be ready. Freedom is near”. The prisoners feigned normalcy, but they Were Ready – for something.
That evening, just after dark when all had completed their sparse evening meal, a wandering guard patrol noticed a ‘natural’ depression alongside a large, moss covered rock that appeared out of place. Further investigation revealed a small buried cache of old dwarven personal items. The cache included an old dagger, a few gold and silver coins, and, tightly wrapped in protective leather, a small sealed cask. Removing the dried leather covering, the patrol saw that the cask bore the unique seal of the House of Long Hallow. Could this be real? Was this Really full of the most sought-after brandy in the world? What should they do with it? Realizing that they would never be able to keep a find like this secret, they decided, prudently, on sharing it with their fellow guards. At the end of their shift and the beginning of the next, there would be a quiet party in the guard room!
Well-hidden nearby in the brush, the elves: Ash, Oak and Berry, secretly, silently watched and heard all. Their planted cache had done its job. Now it was up to the brandy and Trindel’s machinations to take effect. Ash and Oak reported back to the venturer camp while Berry waited and watched.
At midnight, when all the guards passed the guard room beside the mine entrance at shift change, the KEG was brought forth and its story told. Without hesitation every guard filled their cup as a quiet, private party ensued. Rounds were suspended in favor of the fabulous cognac. The brandy was excellent! Many tongues were loosened, and complaints and grumbling escalated as the potent brandy produced its natural effect. The enchantment slowly, gradually as they drunk more and more brandy, also started to take effect. They became concerned they would never see their back pay. They became frightened that their numbers were far too depleted to withstand a prisoner uprising. They voiced their fear of Grhfalah’s temper and a violent outburst. Their drunkenness was heightened by their growing terror of nearly everything around them. Still, they continued to drink as Berry watched and the venturers prepared.
Grhfalah was locked in his chamber. He was furious at losing his treasure that HE had worked so long and hard to accumulate. He was frustrated that he could no longer trust anyone as someone on the inside, someone he trusted, had to have been the thief. He talked to himself. He yelled, He threw anything within reach at anything in sight. His vile attitude swiftly reached its peak. He had to do something!
Jamison and Maslinda were positioned inside at the cavern entrance into the back of the mine, waiting for a signal.
The bowmen and fighters, positioned around the mine entrance, were armed with non-lethal weapons as some of these mercenaries were venturers they knew from the past. They sharp and pointed weapons were secured to their bodies within ready reach, just in case.
The two halfling volunteers from Barrow Of The Heath stealthily entered the mine from the front, in plain sight, as the guards were otherwise ‘occupied’, and waited for the signal. They positioned themselves between the entrance and Grhfalah’s personal guard at his locked door. They could hear the horrifying noises from Grhfalah and cautiously maintained a discreet, safe, distance.
Beak and Trindel waited just behind the venturer fighters; ready to initiate and support that which was about to commence!
When Berry observed that he keg was almost drained, and the guards were thoroughly drunk on the enchanted wine, she held her hands to her mouth and three times, she loudly screeched like a night owl! That was the signal!
Jamison and Maslinda ran into the mine area and rushed to the underground prisoner’s cells.
The two halflings started yelling at each other in a carefully rehearsed argument that quickly took them outside the mine entrance with Grhfalah/s door guard close behind. When Beak saw the mock argument, he focused his attention on the sky above them and caused it to burst into clusters of spinning lights and thunder like claps. The effect was terrifying.
As they escaped the mine, the halflings’ yelling was heard by the drunken guards who in their drunken state, under the wild sky, cowered and hid from whatever was happening. As soon as the guard was clear of the mine entrance the venturer fighters assaulted and overpowered him. Quickly all the guards were captured and bound.
Grhfalah, hearing the commotion, instead of rushing for the entrance as the venturers expected, instead, rushed into the mine toward the caverns which he also had discovered. He planned on a quick escape for himself and was willing to let his troops fend for themselves! The two remaining guards awoke from their sleep, saw Grhfalah, grabbed their short swords and ran to catch up with him. Grhfalah and the two guards came together as the three ran into Maslinda leading the prisoners toward the main entrance and freedom.
Immediately Maslinda screamed and attacked the closest guard with a wild flurry of kicks and punches. As soon as he hit the ground he was covered by the raging mob of halfling prisoners.
Grhfalah and his one remaining senior warrior, fell back and assumed a well-practiced defensive posture blocking the passage. Shoulder to shoulder they both, almost simultaneously, started to glow with a dull crimson energy Fighter: Body Shield). Then their swords assumed the glow and Maslinda screeched to Fall Back. The prisoners heeded her warning, and all slowly retreated back toward the cells.
“Jamie, lead my people to safety, I’ll buy you time. Flee NOW! she exclaimed as she drew her fighting sticks and, like a crouching tiger, closed on the magically enhanced fighters.
Leaving the unconscious and bleeding guard on the ground, the escaping prisoners followed a very reluctant and hesitant Jamison out the cavern entrance; leaving Maslinda to hold off their pursuers. He agreed with her decision but hated it at the same time. HIS Maslinda was greatly over matched against two very experienced fighters wielding the Crimson Fighter’s magic.
9. Night Stalker’s Revenge
Jamison led the prisoners through the caverns to freedom without confrontation. A few hours later, the venturer rescuers were gathered just out of hearing in front of the main entrance. Maslinda never made it out and Jamison was grief stricken. All assumed that she had died buying her people’s freedom.
The dwarven fighters, Grundler and Gromet, secured the cavern exit both to assist Maslinda, should she escape, and to secure it against Grhfalah’s escape.
The elven bowmen took positions in the trees near the main exit, providing them the best possible vantage point for their deadly arrows.
Trindel examined and aided each of the escaping prisoners as needed. They were exhausted malnourished and badly beaten, but, they were now FREE and all would live.
Cautiously, all waited for Grhfalah’s next move. He was trapped.
Both exits were secured and heavily defended. The volunteers from Barrow Of The Heath stood ready to assist in a frontal assault. The informant that they discovered in their midst, a rash outcast halfling with a very bad attitude, was in chains back in the Barrow.
After several hours, a hush over shadowed the front area as movement could be seen within. A metal cage was being pushed toward the entrance but stopped well inside, just visible. Illuminated by torches on both front corners, Maslinda was just visible. She was chained to the cage top. She had been very badly beaten and raw bloody cuts and dark ugly bruises covered her nearly naked body. She hung limp; barely alive.
“I want my gold!”, screamed Grhfalah!
“Gold or Death for this one!” he bellowed as he forcefully jabbed her with a glowing hot steel prod.
“Awhhh” faintly cried Maslinda, as she hung defenseless and at his mercy – or lack of!
Seeing Maslinda alive and suffering from her torture, Jamison’s attitude and posture visibly changed. His face became stone cold, his posture became deliberate and deadly. He recovered the private pouch from his pack and pulled Beak and Trindel into a quiet and serious conversation. Trindel, agreeing with Jamison’s proposal, placed both hands on his head, closed her eyes and concentrated. A golden glow surrounded Jamison. It pulsed several times then disappeared.
Jamison clasped arms with both of his old friends, handed them his pack, then set off running at an impossible speed toward the cavern entrance.
Beak and Trindel held the townspeople close to the entrance but out of weapon range. They agitated the crowd almost to the point of a riot. When Grhfalah again poked Maslinda, they roared as only an angry mob could and held their ground. Beak stepped forward and addressed Grhfalah.
“Your gold is being brought from the town. It will be here within the hour. Leave the girl ALONE. If she dies than you Die!” Beak declared as he formed a Bright Cobalt Blue energy ball between his hands!
Grhfalah and one of his guards cowered on each side of the cage. They were protected from bow and magical attack by Maslinda, helpless in her cage.
The “discussions” continued. Yelling, Threats, Curses and Promises burst from all sides!
Beak and Trindel were doing their part. Providing a constant and noisy diversion as the gold was procured – and as Jamison made his way at triple speed into the cavern entrance and silently closed on the lone rear
Two very precisely targeted elven arrows stuck in the ground within inches of Grhfalah and his guard as a constant reminder of what awaited them if Maslinda died or they tried to escape.
NightStalker entered the cavern entrance, greeted the guards, Grundler and Gromet, and quickly report the current status and plan. Then, he covered his feet and hands with thin black leather gloves and slippers. He removed his outer garments to reveal a similar skin tight black leather garment underneath. Finally he pulled a matching hood over his head. His final act, performed just out of sight of the two dwarf fighters, was to site on the floor and breathe deeply. He focused himself on the task at hand. He committed his life to freeing Maslinda or dying in the attempt. No other thoughts were allowed to enter his being. He was the NIGHTSTALKER; the dark assassin.
He followed the cavern passages until he could hear the commotion at the entrance. Stopping, he assembled a long dark wood tube and, carefully, dipped a thin dart into a tiny flask of oily liquid, then inserted it into the base of the tube. This weapon had been made specifically for him as he was trained in its use by the wild Braken tribesmen past the Eastern borders.
Holding the weapon along his arm, he silently flowed along the wall, until he could see the rear guard crouching in the shadows, waiting, watching.
Any noise from this guard would cause Grhfalah to kill Maslinda. Any movement closer would reveal Jamison’s presence as this passage was illuminated by many torches along the walls and on the floor. It was a very carefully prepared defense against most know threats. Jamison was the unknown.
Totally covered in black leather and soft padded boots and gloves, he slithered through the shadows until he had sight of the guard’s head and neck.
The NightStalker, Jamison, calmly took several deep breaths then raised the blowgun to his lips. Hesitating but a moment to aim he puffed into the tube. The last thing the guard would remember was a tiny insect bite in his throat. He was dead before he hit the floor; unnoticed by his comrades.
Jamison continued to approach the back of the cage containing Maslinda. The cage behind her was filled with dry wood soaked in something that smelled like oil. It was a fire trap! Grhfalah had no intention of freeing Maslinda once he had his gold. Jamison, a master thief, had little problem opening the dwarven lock and releasing Maslinda from her bonds while the wild mob maintained their diversion. Carrying her limp, unconscious body several yards from the cage, Jamison returned, ignited it then rapidly carried Maslinda toward the cavern entrance!
The flames immediately totally blocked and sealed the passage behind Grhfalah pushing him forward! His plan to cover his escape had been turned against him. He was now trapped with the flaming cage behind him and the forces in front.
Seeing the signal, Beak rapidly formed a cobalt blue ball much larger than he stood and loosed it directly at Grhfalah! It is questionable which struck first; the pair of deadly elven arrows or the Cobalt Blast. The Cobalt Blast thoroughly demolished the front of the mine! Everything within the entrance, along with both Grhfalah and his guard, was torn apart in its fury! The front passage and cave entrance collapsed in a natural cave-in. Grhfalah’s tyranny was ended.
10. Rejection and New Beginnings
Jamison carried the unconscious and limp Maslinda through the caverns and just reached the dwarven guards, Grundler and Gromet, before he collapsed from exhaustion. Grundler scooped up Jamison while Gromet gently hefted Maslinda, and together, they carried the pair to their anxiously waiting family and friends in Barrow Of The Heath.
Maslinda was in very bad condition both physically and mentally. She had been tortured without mercy by Grhfalah seeking information about his gold. Not finding it, he took out his rage on her with his solid dwarven fists while she was chained, helpless, in the cage. Trindel utilized her Golden Magic as much as she was able; being limited by Maslinda’s natural halfling resistance to all magic. Now, only time and Maslinda’s strong spirit would determine her fate.
A few days after the fall of Grhfalah, Jamison paid his venturer comrades handsomely from Grhfalah’s treasure hoard and bid them a safe journey home and farewell until they meet again. Maslinda had not yet regained consciousness.
All the townspeople from the neighboring, halfling settlement of “Barrow By The Sea”, had returned home by the end of the week. Maslinda was still not conscious but she tossed and turned in her sleep and woke all with her sudden, nightly screams.
Jamison setup his tent behind Maslinda’s family home and remained close by her through her recovery. He helped with any chores that he could. He hunted for fresh game in the nearby woods. He greeted her neighbors and family whenever he encountered them, but, his greetings were rarely returned.
Even through Grhfalah was the primary cause of the halflings’ troubles, most of his fighters were human and old racist fears and distrusts started to rise again. Jamison was obviously a human and, though unjustly, he became a focus of those vile feelings.
While gently forcing warm enriched broth into Maslinda, Jamison was joyfully startled when she opened her eyes and looked at him.
“Jamie …”
Without hesitation and in front of her parents, he warmly hugged her, touched both of her cheeks and gently, lovingly kissed her. This second kiss lasted, for them, an eternity. When it finally, softly ended, both were in tears.
Mavia and Glitch, her halfling parents, stood silently in the background, holding hands. They saw in their daughter and Jamison what they themselves had felt for many years and were happy both for her recovery and her finally, finding her soulmate. Regardless of anyone or anything, Maslinda and Jamison were in love, now and forever.
By the third week, Maslinda was able to walk around the barrow clutching Jamison’s arm. Most of her scars were fading and she was regaining her strength and joyful attitude with each passing day. Maslinda and Jamison were never separated. He moved his tent to just outside her window so that they could softly talk long into the night. Halfling customs and social propriety absolutely forbad him sleeping within their house.
Together, they donated nearly all Grhfalah’s remaining gold to those recovering from their confinement by him. The copper and iron mine was to be shared by both halfling communities with laborers hired and paid a fair wage to work it. Still, Jamison could feel the racially based distrust increasing nearly as fast as Maslinda was healing.
The day that Maslinda was able to complete a simple fighting sequence successfully at almost her former speed, they announced to her parents that they were leaving. Mavia and Glitch understood and, reluctantly, gave them their blessing. Maslinda formally requested a wedding ceremony be held at the summer solstice and provided her mother a few specific ceremony requests. Jamison stood silently with his mouth hanging open. Did she just ask him to marry her? Maslinda, finished making arrangements with her mother, turned and kissed Jamison on the cheek, saying,
“That’s all OK with you, is it not?” she cooed.
Jamison silently, wisely, nodded.
Within the hour, Jamison and Maslinda left the peaceful Barrow Of The Heather. Wearing fully stuffed packs, holding matching intricately carved walking sticks, they waved goodbye to her family.
The unusual couple, a ruddy human and beautiful halfling, briskly, happily, walked toward the setting sun holding hands. The sun and the moon, together.
By RJ Borton, 02/03/2018 updated 02/08/2018
A Tales of Airth® publication brought to you by The Phanta Corp.
This story is a work of fiction. All names, characters, species, classes, places, things, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblances to fictitious or actual persons living or dead and events or locales real or imaginary are entirely coincidental.
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